Eine Europäische Nachhaltigkeitsakademie wird von Europäischen Akademie in Otzenhausen in Zusammenarbeit mit der ASKO EUROPA-STIFTUNG und dem Institut für Europäische Politik der Universität Trier durchgeführt. Aus der Seminarbeschreibung:
European Energy Policy and Climate Change
Political and Economic AspectsClimate change is one of the greatest environmental, social and economic threats to the planet. The European Union and its Member States see themselves as being at the forefront of international efforts to combat climate change and have played a key role in the development of the Kyoto protocol. However, Kyoto is only a first step. Ambitious action is needed to reduce European carbon emissions and to promote an international agreement to reduce global emissions after 2012, when Kyoto‘s targets expire, in order to limit global warming to 2°C. The fight against climate change can be considered as the next big project for the EU.
The 1st European Sustainability Academy addresses the tightly related issues of European action against global warming, the transformation of European economies towards low carbon economies and energy security of the European Union and its Member States.
Die Europäische Nachhaltigkeitsakademie richtet sich an Graduierte, Doktoranden und junge Forscher im der Wirtschafts-, Europa- und Politikwissenschaften.